“Contend For The Faith.” The “Baton of Faith”

Dear Family,

The older I get, the faster time flies by for me as it’s doing again this year!

We are entering the third month of the year already and the third month of our theme, “Contend For The Faith.” The “Baton of Faith”, which is about reading the book of Jude, then passing the baton to someone else, is making its way through the congregation. Last Sunday morning we hosted a Bible Study open house at the 9:00 am hour, where forty people attended to experience three mini lessons lead by our three adult class leaders. The goal for this event was to introduce people to the Bible study classes we offer and encourage people to get involved.

We are also focusing our Sunday morning messages on the book of Colossians. Preaching through this great book is also part of our plan to equip our congregation to “Contend For The Faith.” Colossians deals with what some scholars call the Colossian heresy that combines Jewish legalism, the seeds of Gnosticism and human philosophies along with a belief in a non- divine Jesus to experience salvation. Talk about a false doctrine that reeks of religious syncretism! Colossians helps us to “Contend For The Faith” because it reiterates who Jesus Christ is, what He’s done, and how He did it. All these things are stated in our current memory verse from Col. 1:19-20: “For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”

Finally, I want to share a couple of upcoming events that I’m really excited about. First, this Sunday immediately following our morning worship time the missions team going to Niños de Mexico is hosting a pancake and sausage brunch for the entire congregation. The brunch is a fundraiser that will help the team visit Niños, who KRCC has supported for over forty years. Secondly, and this will be a lot of fun, we will be hosting a “Community Extreme Bunco” game night on Sunday, March 17th beginning at 5:30 pm. This will be a high energy, no skill required, fun game night that will help us get to know each other better. Also, there will be prizes and food! So plan on coming to our “Community Extreme Bunco” game night and bring a friend with you. Also, bring a snack to share with others.

God is doing wonderful things all the time and we thank Him for the great love He has for all people, especially those who are His children through Jesus. May the Lord use us to take this message of love and hope to those who need to hear the good news that God loves them. Have a great week in Christ, and God bless!

In His Strength,
