Contend for the Faith

Dear KRCC Family,

Welcome to 2024 and all that the Lord will do in and through KRCC
this year! As we look ahead to this new year we don’t want to
completely “forget what is behind”, but we want to build upon what is
behind us regarding our desire to grow in our faith and in our efforts
to bring glory to the Lord.

With that said, I want to share with you today about our 2024 theme,
“Contend for the Faith” from the book of Jude. After the elders and I
had been praying and seeking the Lord as to what we should focus
on this new year, “Contend for the Faith” came to mind. One of the
reasons why this came to our minds after praying about it was the
state of the church of God today in our culture and country. “The
faith”, the essential truths of scripture and the gospel of Jesus, is
being attacked, watered down, and compromised in ways I have not
seen in all my years as a follower of Jesus. Jude knew this was
happening in his day and inspired by the Holy Spirit, addressed it in
no uncertain terms! His great encouragement to the true believers
within the true church was to “contend for the faith,” meaning to
earnestly labor for, to struggle for and in some cases to fight for the
truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

So, this year we are going to focus on “Contend for the Faith“,
actively pursuing what Jude 20-21, our current memory verse, says:
“But you, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the
Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy
of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” By intentionally
doing that which will help us grow in the faith, we will be equipped to
better know and understand the truths of the faith. Knowing,
understanding, and obeying the truth of God’s word will equip us to
“Contend for the Faith” that God has entrusted to us. When we know
what is true, we’ll be able to quickly identify that which is false and
deal with it in a Godly way.

Join me and our elders as we continue to seek the Lord’s wisdom
and direction this year as to what He would have us be and do to
bring glory to His name as we “Contend for the Faith!”

In His Strength,